
Showing posts from June, 2022

Not targeting policy makers

Earth Hour has 10 keys so that this movement can do more than just stop consumption activities that produce a carbon footprint for 1 hour. Some of the recommended steps are choosing transportation with the lowest carbon footprint, consuming food that is far from the carbon chain, and reducing plastic consumption. However, individual participation does not help if it is not carried out collectively and without the support of public policies that are aware of the carbon footprint. This is because the public is more preoccupied with economic productivity than setting aside part of their energy to correct their respective lifestyles. qqcitybet Therefore, the mobilization movement alone is not enough because it does not target strategic objectives in climate communication. Education at the individual level cannot change policy if it is not applied to mobilization in the field. Mobilization should target changes in the behavior of policy makers and implementers rather than just changing indi